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Electrical Kraft Paper

Electrical  kraft paper is manufactured from 100% high-quality sulfate insulating wood pulp.

●This paper is highly refined and cleaned to ensure uniform thickness and free from formation
Pinholes, un-dispersed fiber bundles and tiny defects
● It is a low-voltage grade insulaing paper well suited for making electromagnetic  wires,power cables of transformers below 35KV and other electrical insulating equipments below 35KV
●This paper has stable electrical and chemical properties, and high physical strength to meet the exacting
needs of our valued customers

Used widely as electrical insulation wrap on aluminium and copper wires by conductor manufacturers,
electrical insulation between layers of wound coils in electrical motors, in capacitors, transformers & such
other electrical equipment

Our ordinary insulating papers are available in nominal thicknesses from 50 to 250 microns,
and in continuous rolls up to the widths of 625, 960mm and 1200mm (the roll diameter being 680 to 730mm),
or other customized diameters and widths on request.